Lab 1G
Directions: Follow along with the slides, completing
the questions in blue on your
computer, and answering the questions in red in your
Space, Click, Right Arrow or swipe left to move to
the next slide.
function to load the
data file to use in this
seem to have a higher occurrence of
physical challenges than the other?bargraph
helps us get an idea of the answer
to the question, but we need to provide precise values.tally
of the number of people with
physical challenges and their sex.
format = "percent"
as an
option to the code you used to make your 2-way frequency table.
seem to have a higher occurrence
of physical challenges than the other? If so, which one and explain your
reasoning.margin = TRUE
as an option in
the tally
function.phys_challenge | sex
sex | phys_challenge
!## sex
## phys_challenge Male Female
## No difficulty 4140 5048
## Has difficulty 530 775
## Total 4670 5823
## phys_challenge
## sex No difficulty Has difficulty
## Male 4140 530
## Female 5048 775
## Total 9188 1305
At first glance, the two-way frequency tables might look similar
(especially when the margin
option is excluded). Notice,
however, that the totals are different.
The totals are telling us that R
conditional frequencies by column!
What does this mean?
and Female
on the distribution of
physical challenges.No difficulty
and Has difficulty
on the distribution of sex.Add the option format = "percent"
to the
first tally
function. How were the percents calculated?
Interpret what they mean.
has a higher rate of part time