What’s the FREQ?

Lab 1G

Directions: Follow along with the slides, completing the questions in blue on your computer, and answering the questions in red in your journal.

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Clean it up!

How do we summarize categorical variables?

Frequency tables?

tally(~ ____, data = ____)

2-way Frequency Tables

bargraph(~phys_challenge | sex, data = atu_clean)

Interpreting 2-way frequency tables

Conditional Relative Frequencies

tally(~phys_challenge | sex, data = atu_clean, margin = TRUE)
##                 sex
## phys_challenge   Male Female
##   No difficulty  4140   5048
##   Has difficulty  530    775
##   Total          4670   5823
tally(~sex | phys_challenge, data = atu_clean, margin = TRUE)
##         phys_challenge
## sex      No difficulty Has difficulty
##   Male            4140            530
##   Female          5048            775
##   Total           9188           1305

Conditional Relative Frequencies, continued

On your own